October 29, 2009


What worked for me in the past sure isn't working for me now and I am slow to catch up. I don't really want to catch up because then all the rules will change again. I don't know how it is with anyone else but I sure have a lot more patience with my children when they are younger. Ben is giving me fits lately, real literal screaming fits. I used to be pretty lucky when shopping with my kids in stores that we have had very few fits. I have only had to remove them from the store on two occasions. Yesterday we went to Costco to buy Anikka a coat and to look at what kind of pajamas they had. They did not have the one pair of jammies in Ben's size that he liked. There was another style and he started whining about the one he liked. He has been whining A LOT lately so I put the jammies down and said when you whine you do not get anything. Then we proceeded to leave the store with Ben screaming but we had to buy the coat first so we stood in the thankfully short line for a short period of time. We were the ones everyone was looking at and probably judging. It was embarassing but the biggest problem is I don't think that Ben got that when he screams like that he does not get his way. He is still screaming and whining today about everything. If I ask him to clean his room he answers with a screeching wail. I also don't know what good "time out" does. It just doesn't seem to work for my kids. Discipline is so hard. Ben is 90% of time a awesome little boy and he is so reverent in church except for this last Sunday when I had to take him out from the chapel for a fit. Maybe it is just this week? I am hoping it is a growth spurt that has him all onery like this and in a few weeks we can get back to our old way of doing things. I hope I can learn to develop more patience with my kids because they are all only going to get older.


Andrea said...

It's so hard sometimes, isn't it? I don't think I've quite seen as bad as it will get in our family, but there are some days that are filled with constant whining and crying. Sometimes the only thing I can do is keep praying for more patience, because I don't think I can humanly muster up more on my own. Hang in there! We'd love to watch the kids sometime while you go out. Let us know when we can!

Becky said...

Bryan is just finishing up one of his growth spurt, onery phases. He, like Ben, rarely throws fits but the fits he has been throwing have been doozies. I can so relate.

Let me know if you find a solution to increasing my patience level.

CKW said...

My sam (when he was 1 1/2) used to hit decibles that a girl or an opera singer would envy. Usually in the store and usually with a full cart. Put me in tears more than once.
I hear they 'get it' eventually, after years and years of being consistent. Whew!