July 27, 2011

Ben's Birthday

Bennett turned 7 on July 19th. I am so proud of my browned-eyed boy. He is so interesting to watch. He is a rule lover and really wound tight. He got that from me. He wanted a Pirates of the Carribean cake, and Dad really came through. Ben started football recently and I could not be happier. I love football! I really hope that he loves it too. Ben has learned to watch out for his two little brothers and he is the first one to help set up chairs when we get to Church. He is such a good boy. He played T-ball this spring and he was the kid that was always two steps behind the Coach and listening to what he said. Ben really knows how to follow directions. Ben also has epic tantrums. He is trying to work on controlling his temper, it is a learning process. I took Ben shopping for school clothes and he really didn't know what to do with himself as the center of attention. It was quite funny. We really love our sweet, obedient child!

July 5, 2011

What Do You Do In The Summertime?

Well, I have not been blogging. We have not really been on the computer at all. June was a good month. We celebrated Anikka's 10th birthday and our 13th wedding anniversary. Anikka is just learning to enjoy going shopping and out to dinner for her birthday. We had fun. I appreciate her so much. She is the best big sister and so not shy. She is really good at public speaking and still bears her testimony on a regular basis. She is the first to volunteer for anything and is really an independant person. She was able to stay with her sweet Aunt and Uncle for five days, to help out. She had the best time and was not homesick at all.

The 26th was our Anniversary. I am still very much in love with my husband and could not ask for a better man. He is so thoughtful and dependable. He takes such great care of us. He is enjoying his new job quite a bit. He is having fun and still misses working full time for the old bosses. When I asked him what was different about the new place he responded with, "Well, there is a lot more swearing now." It was a good move for our family and I hope provides a good future too.