October 15, 2009

Hard Day

I went to a funeral today. It was for my college roommate's older brother. He was killed by a drunk driver during the Las Vegas Ragnar Race. My roommate is such an amazing person and they come from such a wonderful, close-knit and spectacular Family. They are from Star Valley, Wyoming. I love that place and am forever grateful to have roommates from there that could introduce me to such a great place. I wanted to post this so that I could remember the very inspiring words that were spoken today. My roommates father got up to speak and the congregation sniffled throughout his talk. He spoke about how difficult this has been to bury his only son. He said that if he had known that this was coming He would have done everything in his power to stop it, He said that is a gulf of difference between him and our Heavenly Father. He said he needed to grow more like his son to become more pure of heart so that he will be able also to see the face of God. He spoke of the comfort he recieved from being inspired to memorize scriptures 3 weeks ago not knowing then what he would need it for. The scriptures were D&C 101, 14-16. I am grateful to have known and know that amazing family and I can only hope to raise my children half as well as they have raised theirs.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Sad news, funerals are hard.

It is such a blessing to have good friends and too be able to learn from their great families.

We love you guys! Thanks for sharing.