February 3, 2009

Funny Boys

In the car going home from my Parents house Ben asked us this question. "Do you know how Jesus makes our bodies?" "How?" Ben said "He decorates us." That just makes me feel pretty.

Mac was pretty whiny one night and everyone was helping Anikka clean her room so no one was paying too much attention to Mac until he finally grabbed Ryan's leg and in his one year old language said "I Stinky." Ryan could not stop laughing. It just might be his first sentence and something to use to embarrass him later.


Jen said...

oh no! Hahaa . . . That is great!

Erin said...

Those are great! I love how kids keep you laughing (or crying...but mostly laughing ;).

The Wilsons said...

Seriously, I wish I could just capture all their words and the cute/funny things they do! They keep life full of surprises don't they?