So good news first:
Anikka started 3rd grade here in Lehi
Ben started pre-school
Mac is still 2
I am pregnant
Bad news:
3rd grade is harder than she thought
pre-school is ten minutes away
Mac is 2
I'm worried about miscarriage
I thought I was pregnant before I expected my first period and so I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. So much for testing up to 5 days early. The day, which was a Saturday, I expected my period I had period cramps but nothing else. Really weird. I continued cramping through out the week and still kept getting a negative result for the pregnancy test. By Friday I tried to make an appointment to see my doctor and couldn't get in. I took another pregnancy test and it was positive, barely. That night the cramping moved to my left back (kidney area) and was really painful. We went to the ER and they did an ultrasound and found something in my uterus and told me it was not a tubal pregnancy and to see my regular Dr. On Tuesday I went to see my normal doctor and he gave me some anti infection medicine that helped with the cramping and had me schedule another ultrasound for when I was 7 weeks along. The medicine worked and I don't have any more pain. So I went in for the ultrasound and we saw an empty uterus and it was measuring 5 weeks instead of 7 weeks. It really scared me and I heard the term "blighting ovum". That day I was so convinced that I was going to miscarry and it was just a matter of time. The next day the doctor's office called and said it is looking like a "normal early pregnancy" but just in case come back in three weeks and have another ultrasound, in the meantime if you have any bleeding come right in. I am still worried. I am hoping everything is going to be just fine. If everything does turn out to be fine and good, we will be expecting the baby May 6. If not we will try again.